before you make application for a bank a loan to pay attention to a few points which I will present below, and if you already know about it.
- Are you sure you want to make a loan to the bank?
- Are you ready to risk if you can not pay it off?
- For what you do to a bank a loan?
- How important is that you need a loan?
- Do you have to plan carefully if your a loan?
- Are you already thinking of ways that you can pay installments smoothly?
- Are you already preparing for the worst (currently weak effort)
therefore you must apply
- Thinking before acting
- pray to god
- excited in the works
- develop your goals
- always honest
Wise in making loan, wise in the use of loan, the money is not everything, the goods can be bought with money but not with happiness (2014, Est Vavivu)
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